The KSC Music Department offers two brass groups, a large Brass Ensemble and a smaller Brass Chamber Ensemble. Students also have opportunities to perform across campus and in community settings such as Convocation, Commencement, Pumpkinfest, and other outreach events.
Brass Ensemble
Seelan Manickam, Director

Course number: MU 171-05
Brass Ensemble offers an opportunity to explore brass repertoire with a large amount of part independence and good opportunities for solo work. Greater individual attention and an emphasis on good ensemble performance – especially resonant sound and good intonation – make this an important opportunity for developing musicianship. Repertoire studied and performed will explore both the tradition and possibilities of the brass ensemble genre.
Brass Chamber Ensemble
Seelan Manickam, Director
Course number: MU 171-06
Brass Chamber Ensemble gives students the opportunity to perform traditional and contemporary chamber works in a small ensemble setting such as a brass quintet. The ensemble’s study, practice, and performance of diverse repertoire leads to at least one on-campus performance each semester, with potential opportunities to perform for community events as well.
The Brass Chamber Ensemble introduces students to repertoire from the middle ages to the present. This ensemble helps students improves their skills as intellectual music makers in a chamber music setting. Such performances are the most demanding and intense, as each member must be responsible for a significant component of the repertoire.