A liminal state can be defined as an in-between state, a threshold where a transformative experience is possible but has yet to occur.

I have been thinking much about this state recently. In so many ways, our world is on a threshold (a precipice might be a better word) with gigantic potential for change that could be either miraculous or disastrous environmentally, politically, and spiritually.

What will we do? What kind of world awaits? What will we sacrifice? How will we heal our brokenness? What kind of people are we?

All of these questions envelop me when I go into my studio. So my paintings are infused with this threshold age we live in. On a more intimate level, this transitional space is also how I find myself in relation to my work. There is always an element of uncertainty, fear, and anticipation in picking up a brush or pencil or a tube of paint.

If I’m fortunate in the process, I will lose a sense of time and something mysterious and wondrous will take place where anything can happen – where the painting can go either way, forward or backward. It is this state that I feel most alive in. For here, I feel the painting can reveal its vital spirit. If I am truly present at that moment with an open heart, I can respond and back and forth it goes until all the answers to questions are no longer important. There is just a canvas filled with light and color, shape, and line that has a life of its own to live out there.

‘Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.’ – Rumi”