Becoming a Strong Candidate

It’s never too early to start working on becoming a strong candidate for a professional health school. There is a lot of competition for a limited number of seats at any school, and while good grades and high scores on admissions exams are certainly important, there other factors that schools will look at when you apply. Here are some of the pieces you can be working on during your undergraduate years:

  • Talk to your academic advisor! Keep them abreast of your plans, work with them to ensure you register for the correct courses each semester, ask questions, and listen to their advice.
  • Explore your options — find out which schools offer programs that you’re interested in.
  • Become informed about the application process: the timeline and entrance requirements for the schools and programs that you plan to apply to.
  • Make a plan for taking any admission exams that will be required, including how to prepare for them, when to take them, and how to take them.
  • Keep your grades up! Remember that it’s not just about your science courses — schools will be looking at your overall GPA.
  • Don’t focus solely on courses and grades — schools will be looking at more than just your academic achievements.
  • Get some experience — job shadow with professionals in the field you’re interested in and find ways to get experience with direct patient contact. Volunteer at health facilities, consider certifications such as LNA/CNA or EMT, or seek a job as a patient care assistant/attendant. Some programs may require a specified number of hours of direct patient care, volunteer experience, or observation hours. Schools will be looking for an interest in and commitment to healthcare.
  • Get to know your professors — and be sure they get to know you. You’ll be looking for solid letters of recommendation from some of them.
  • Get involved in campus life — join clubs, connect with other students who share your interest in health careers, talk to professors about participating in research, seek out leadership opportunities.
  • Practice being professional (communication skills, punctuality, appropriate dress, and actions) in all emails, meetings, phone calls, and field experiences.
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